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Massage Therapist & Lifestyle Fitness Trainer

Welcome to Bodyworks

‘Health’ is a state of body, ‘Wellness’ is a state of mind

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Treatments and Services

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage will work out the knots from stressed, overworked muscles and connective tissue (fascia) to alleviate immediate pain, as well as chronic joint and muscle pain. It also promotes faster healing by increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation.

How do you know if you need a deep tissue massage?

Deep tissue massage is best suited for people who have overworked muscles whether it is occupational or from engaging in highly physical activities, such as running, or those who have an injury or chronic pain. If you have a low pain threshold or are looking for relief of tense muscles, Swedish massage is gentler and may be a better option.

Deep Tissue Massage at Bodyworks
Chair Massage at Bodyworks

Soft Tissue Massage

Soft tissue massage is a technique that as you will be able to guess is less intrusive than deep tissue massage. Instead of focusing on slow and pressured movements to affect the deep layers, soft tissue massage focuses on working with a range of depths, pressures, and durations.


What is soft tissue massage good for?

This form of massage reduces tension, stress and promotes relaxation and can help clients to unwind. Soft tissue massage is also to help relieve and prevent pain, improving range of motion, optimising spinal adjustments, aiding in muscle recovery, and enhancing physical & mental well-being.

What is a Swedish full body Massage?

A Swedish massage is a soft tissue massage, and very relaxing. I offer a full body which starts by massaging your back and neck, then the legs, feet, arms, hands, and stomach (if requested). This massage can include a relaxing face and head massage (also known as Indian head massage)


The Benefits of a soft Swedish tissue Massage

  • Decreased Stress & Increased Relaxation.
  • Pain Relief …
  • Increases Flexibility & Range of Motion. …
  • Increases Overall Energy…
  • Improve Posture. …
  • Increase Blood Flow. …
  • Endorphin Release to Improve Mood. …
  • Support Healthy Immunity
Swedish Massage at Bodyworks
Sports Massage at Bodyworks

Sports Massage

Which is the better option, deep tissue, or sports massage?

I use different massage techniques to help relieve, reduce, or prevent muscle knots.

Both Deep Tissue and Sports Massage techniques work the muscles that are tight or have knots. Also using Trigger Point Therapy for myofascial pain, this involves firm and specific pressure to the area of restriction and will help release the knots. 

Muscle Energy Release Technique (MET)

Another technique used to help strengthen, lengthen and improve the range of movement of the muscles is Muscle Energy Release Technique (MET). MET is a gentle but effective technique that has great benefits in improving joint mobility, strengthening of weak muscles, restoration of the normal tone in shortened muscles, circulation,  posture and preparation of muscle for further stretching.


Sports Maintenance Massage

This type of massage takes place in between training sessions and the aim is to work on specific elements and tissue structures which have become shortened, tight, and painful.

The idea is to loosen off tightness within soft tissues to improve performance and prevent injury. It is recommended having a sports massage weekly if you exercise multiple times a week, and is a very beneficial as a addition to your training program to help general recovery on the entire body with specific attention to problem areas.

Massage Wax
knee strapping at Bodyworks

Taping & Strapping

What does sports tape do?

By helping to increase blood flow in the injured area, athletic tape decreases swelling which alleviates pain. The elasticity of the athletic tape can also serve as support for the affected muscles. It naturally goes back to its original position, which takes some of the workload off the client’s muscle.

Sports strapping tape is used to provide support to joints and reduce pain and swelling, improving physical activity, and allowing clients & athletes to optimise their performance without compromising on safety.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Lymphatic drainage massage is a form of gentle massage that encourages the drainage of lymph nodes and movement of lymph fluids around the body.

The massage gently targets the delicate lymph vessels and nodes that sit just below the skin, which only require very light pressure to move the fluid.

Lymphatic Drainage by Nicky Bennett at Bodyworks
Dry Needling

Dry Needling

Please enquire prior to booking

Dry needling is a safe technique for treating many musculoskeletal conditions. Trigger-point dry needling is an invasive procedure where a fine needle or acupuncture needle is inserted into the skin and muscle.

When dry needling is applied to an affected muscle or trigger point, it can decrease muscle tightness, increase blood flow, and reduce pain. This treatment has proven to be very effective, allowing the muscles to function more effectively, reducing recovery time and time off due to injury. Typically, it may take a few treatment sessions, once a week for 3-4 weeks for a lasting positive effect.

There are four pillars of good health, to help keep your body running, and do wonders for emotional wellbeing!

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Good Nutrition

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Rehabilitative Exercise Program

  • Returning to exercise after injury
  • Corrective Exercises
  • Strength Work
  • Mobilisation


  • High-intensity Interval Training
  • Low- impact workouts
  • Steady-state cardio
  • Circuit Training
  • Run Coaching / Cycling & Triathlon

Lifestyle & Fitness support program

  • Health & Wellbeing goals
  • Personal Fitness challenges
  • Nutritional Support and Advice
  • Lifestyle & Behavioural changes
Bodyworks Studio equipment
Bodyworks Studio fitness equipment
Bodyworks Studio
Bodyworks Studio Entrance


20 minutes intense Cardio session followed by a 30 Relaxation Massage for just £35.

‘Embrace and love your body, it’s the most amazing thing you will ever own’


Prices for all treatments & services:

30 minutes  £30

60 minutes  £45

Full Body Swedish Massage  £45

Seated Massage from £20

About Me

I am a fully Qualified and registered Massage therapist, Personal Trainer, and a competitive Athlete, completing many sporting events around Europe, including 4 Ironman triathlons, long distance running, cycling and Adventure challenges, and achieved podium wins.

As an Athlete I have the understanding and ability to support clients to connect with their bodies, wellbeing, achieve goals and guide them with Lifestyle changes in a stress-free environment, transforming the way my clients feel, restoring balance in their body and mind.

I opened ‘BODYWORKS’ studio to provide the public with a variety of Massage treatments, one to one guided exercise to help strengthen, improve, and maintain a healthy posture, prevent and recovery from injury and improve cardiovascular fitness and offer support with personal goals and lifestyle change.

My studio is private and professional, located at the ‘Suffolk Academy’ in Barrow, a village just outside Bury St Edmunds.

Give me a call

07789 777699

Bodyworks Studio

Church Rd, Barrow,
Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP29 5AX


Or fill out the form

and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Please don’t use the form to make appointments.